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“We know the public debate that followed the announcement of the Long Island City project was rough and not very welcoming. Opinions are strong in New York — sometimes strident,”











“州参议院犯了一个可怕的错误——每个人,包括他们的议员,都知道这一点——75%的纽约人都承认这一点;州长将接管这个过程,可以放心地向亚马逊保证,他们的批准是一定会完成的,”库莫在时报发布的一份声明中告诉媒体。The State Senate made a terrible blunder — everyone, including their members, knows it — and 75 percent of New Yorkers affirmed it; the Governor will take over the process and can comfortably assure Amazon the approval will get done,” 

在公开信中,签字人承诺:州长科莫“将为该项目获得本州的批准承担个人责任”。“will take personal responsibility for the project’s state approval.”


该公司在一份声明中表示,当公司宣布逆转时,“一些州和地方政客已经明确表示,他们反对我们的存在,不会与我们合作,以建立我们和其他许多人在长岛市设想的项目所需的那种关系。” “a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City.”








Dear Mr. Bezos:

New Yorkers do not want to give up on the 25,000 permanent jobs, 11,000 union construction and maintenance jobs, and $28 billion in new tax revenues that Amazon was prepared to bring to our state. A clear majority of New Yorkers support this project and were disappointed by your decision not to proceed. We understand that becoming home to the world’s industry leader in e-commerce, logistics and web services would be a tremendous boost for our state’s technology industry, which is our fastest growing generator of new jobs. As representatives of a wide range of government, business, labor and community interests, we urge you to reconsider, so that we can move forward together.

We know the public debate that followed the announcement of the Long Island City project was rough and not very welcoming. Opinions are strong in New York—sometimes strident. We consider it part of the New York charm! But when we commit to a project as important as this, we figure out how to get it done in a way that works for everyone.

Governor Cuomo will take personal responsibility for the project’s state approval and Mayor de Blasio will work together with the governor to manage the community development process, including the workforce development, public education and infrastructure investments that are necessary to ensure that the Amazon campus will be a tremendous benefit to residents and small businesses in the surrounding communities.

New York attracts the best, most diverse talent from across the globe. We are a dynamic new center of the country’s most inclusive tech economy. We all hope you reconsider and join us in building the exciting future of New York.


(中文翻译仅供参考, 英文原文后附)

经过深思熟虑, 我们决定不推进在皇后区长岛市为亚马逊建设总部的计划。对亚马逊来说, 建设新总部的承诺需要与州和地方民选官员建立积极的合作关系, 他们将长期提供支持。虽然民调显示, 7 0% 的纽约人支持我们的计划和投资, 但一些州和地方政客已经明确表示, 他们反对我们的存在, 不会与我们合作, 建立推进项目所需的那种关系 "e 和长岛城设想的许多其他人。

我们感到失望的是, 我们得出了这个结论--我们热爱纽约, 热爱它无与伦比的活力、人民和文化--特别是长岛城的社区, 在那里我们认识了那么多乐观、前卫的社区领袖, 小企业主和居民。目前在布鲁克林、曼哈顿和史泰登岛有超过 5, 000名亚马逊员工, 我们计划继续发展这些团队。

我们深切感谢科莫州长、德布拉西奥市长及其工作人员, 他们如此热情和慷慨地邀请我们在纽约市建设, 并在这一过程中支持我们。库默州长和德布拉西奥市长为纽约人不懈地努力, 鼓励当地投资和创造就业, 我们对他们的所有努力说得再积极也不为过。这些领导人从一开始就向他们所代表的社区表现出的坚定承诺和奉献精神激励了我们, 也是我们的决定如此困难的重要原因之一。

我们目前不打算重新开始 第二总部hq2 搜索。我们将按计划在北维吉尼亚州和纳什维尔开展工作, 并将继续在美国的17个公司办事处和科技中心招聘和发展, 包括美国和加拿大。

再次感谢科莫州长、德布拉西奥市长以及许多其他社区领袖和居民, 他们欢迎我们的计划, 并一路支持我们。随着时间的推移, 我们希望有机会在纽约建立我们的存在。


After much thought and deliberation, we’ve decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens. For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term. While polls show that 70% of New Yorkers support our plans and investment, a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City.

We are disappointed to have reached this conclusion—we love New York, its incomparable dynamism, people, and culture—and particularly the community of Long Island City, where we have gotten to know so many optimistic, forward-leaning community leaders, small business owners, and residents. There are currently over 5,000 Amazon employees in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island, and we plan to continue growing these teams.

We are deeply grateful to Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and their staffs, who so enthusiastically and graciously invited us to build in New York City and supported us during the process. Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have worked tirelessly on behalf of New Yorkers to encourage local investment and job creation, and we can’t speak positively enough about all their efforts. The steadfast commitment and dedication that these leaders have demonstrated to the communities they represent inspired us from the very beginning and is one of the big reasons our decision was so difficult.

We do not intend to reopen the HQ2 search at this time. We will proceed as planned in Northern Virginia and Nashville, and we will continue to hire and grow across our 17 corporate offices and tech hubs in the U.S. and Canada.

Thank you again to Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and the many other community leaders and residents who welcomed our plans and supported us along the way. We hope to have future chances to collaborate as we continue to build our presence in New York over time.




贝索斯长文控诉:遭“狗仔队” 用“亲密照片”威胁(全文)

贝索斯: 亚马逊早晚会死,大公司通常只活30多年,


接下来是音乐欣赏时间,希望大家喜欢, 请君随意


